Passions into Actions, Capricorn New Moon
Happy New Moon in Capricorn.
Cap energy moves passions into action with strategic risk taking. Goal oriented, success motivated, let the prodding of this new moon energy get you going.
Three Card Reading For New Moon in Capricorn 2022

This: Strength
The Strength card reminds us of the power in our core. Before acting on new resolutions, sit with the fire of your heart, remember the times you showed up for you. Your inner ferocity thrives in tragic times. In slight setbacks, be your own cheerleader.
And This: Two of Swords
The Two of Swords asks us to know the difference between stagnation and stillness. To balance our thoughts—encouraging or discouraging—before proceeding, for we will proceed. Rather than rush in, take a Capricorn pause and plan.
Support This: The Devil
Capricorn Itself makes an appearance in the Devil Card. Is your will your own? Or, are you giving it away to subconscious cults? If it’s diets, or dogma, can you trust that YOU actually know what is best for you?
As you actualize a long held dream, trust that your strength will show up, build confidence with a strategic risk, and remain loyal to your authentic self. Like the Sea Goat, you can move sure-footed on rocky terrain, as well as steer with fish tail in the ocean.
Enjoy your time,